Top Level Namespace

Defined in:

Constant Summary

SRC_TEXT = "document_attr = \"i am here at the top\"\n\n# An AMI\nvariable \"ami\" {\n description = \"the AMI to use\"\n}\n\n/* A multi\n line comment. */\nresource \"aws_instance\" \"web\" {\n ami = \"${var.ami}\"\n count = 2\n source_dest_check = false\n another_boolean = \"true\"\n something_i_want_default = null\n\n connection {\n user = \"root\"\n port = 100 + 2\n }\n}\n\n# One-line block\ndata \"a_single_datum\" { foo = \"bar\" }\n\n# escaping strings\nvariable \"token\" {\n my_secure_password = \"something \\\"with a quote\"\n}\n\n\n# heredocs\nvariable \"prose\" {\n value = <<-PROSE\n there once\n was a story\n PROSE\n\n nested = {\n heredoc = <<-NESTED\n i am nested\n and a heredoc\n NESTED\n }\n}\n\nvariable \"list_of_things\" {\n value = [for v in [\"a\", \"b\"]: v]\n}\n\nblock {\n cond = \"%{ if true ~} hello %{~ endif }\"\n for_expr = \"%{ for i, v in [true, 1, \"hello\"] }${i}: ${v}\\n%{ endfor }\"\n}\n"